Friday, February 24, 2012

His Burden Is Light

I hate when my boys cry.  I know this is hypocritical, because I cry all the time. But I like to think I cry over really important issues. My children cry because they don't want their vegetables or they don't want to clean their room or they forgot to do their homework or some other asinine reason.  On President's Day, my oldest, Jaden, was crying at 8 o 'clock at night because his Spanish homework was hard and he didn't think he could finish it by his 830 bedtime.  To me this was not an acceptable reason to cry.  He had three days to do his Spanish homework and he waited until 830 the night before it was due. No bueno.

I told him to quit crying, suck it up and do what he could before bed.
Jaden's aunt who was over, started helping him. "I love word search puzzles," she said.  "Let me help you." I was glad that she was building a relationship with my son, but it made me wonder why I was totally lacking compassion at that moment. And I had an epiphany.

I have always believed in the adage, "God helps those who help themselves."  But I got to thinking about how my Jaden doesn't do himself any favors.   He puts things off to the last minute causing him stress in school.  He has a hard time controlling his temper, causing him stress at home; that kind of thing.  And then I got to thinking, that I am quite a bit like my son. There are so many areas of my life, weaknesses in my personality that I am utterly unable to fix.  I have tried to be sure, but I am just not strong enough.  So maybe God doesn't help those who help themselves.  Maybe God helps us because we can't help ourselves.
Jaden at his baptism. He is such a sweet boy. I love him!!

Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  A yoke is a wooden beam put on the shoulders of cattle, or oxen so they can carry a load.  The yoke I place upon my shoulders, the load I try to carry, it is impossibly heavy.  I need to be the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect nurse, the perfect friend.  I also need to have a spotless house and cellulite free body.  I should never be depressed or anxious. I should never think bad thoughts, and I should never, ever say the S word.  Only when I can do all these things, will God help me.  But Matthew 11 says something different.  God wants to exchange my heavy burden for a light one.  He wants to take my load.

I am reminded of the Matthew West song that says 
I know I'm not strong enough to be
everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough
Strong enough
For the both of us

So today I am committing to a life change.  I am going to give my load to God.  And I am going to encourage my children to give their loads to God, because they aren't strong enough either.  And I might, just maybe, help my children with their Spanish homework when they wait until the last minute to do it.   Because I want to be a tangible example of Christ's love for them.  Jesus, Gracias por su ayuda.


  1. Lent is a great time to commit to a life change! With God's help, you can do it!

  2. I struggle having empathy for others sometimes for the same reasons you mentioned. This was a wonderful reminder of Christs love. You have a fun way of sharing your insights :)
