Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dear Kindergarten Teacher

My Owen started Kindergarten yesterday.  I had to complete a form which aimed to help his teacher learn a little bit more about her students.  General questions were included; questions about siblings and family structure, medications and allergies, et cetera.  The last question on the form was this, "Is there anything else that I should know about your child?"

Ummm, yeah! 

Dear Kindergarten Teacher,
You should know that I prayed for two years for God to give me a 3rd child before I became pregnant with Owen Scott.  You should know that Owen means Young Warrior and Scott is my father's name.
Also, you should know when he was born, the bones of Owen's head were overlapping and I was sick with worry until the neurologist told us the bones would return to a normal position with time.  And you should know that Owen had RSV when he was a baby.  The doctor said he was amazed that our little guy wasn't blue as hard as he was working to breathe,.  And you should know that I watched him breathe all day, everyday for the next week, wishing I could make it easier for him.

I also think you should know that Owen was an easy baby.  He hardly ever cried.  I mean, almost never.  He never hit the terrible twos.  He never hit the ferocious fours. Owen is my most easy-going child.  He can be a little shy at times, but generally he is filled with self-confidence.  He just has this understanding that he is divinely created and he is enough.

Oh, also, you should know that Owen tells me he loves me, unsolicited, at least 20 times each day and he gives me kisses and when he does he makes the "mwah" sound.  And last year Owen's brothers caught him talking to himself in his room one day but Owen said he was talking to Jesus.  When I asked him about this Owen said, "Yeah, mom, its because Jesus talks to me".

So basically, be careful with my little Owie.  He is wonderful, delightul, sweet and fragile. And he is mine.

Owen's Mom

I am not entirely sure this is what Kindergarten teacher had in mind.  But she did ask.
Owen on his first day of Kindergarten