Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Thoughts From the First Day of Lent

February 10

I have a particularly busy and hectic week this week. My mind is racing, full of to do lists, things left undone, words said, glances given.  It is full of people who need me, people who are expecting things from me, people I do not want to let down.  Fear and anxiety are my daily bread this week.  I cringe to think I am showing my weakness.  
I don’t want to do that.  I can tell you I am human.  But I don’t want you to see it.

I must be strong.  I must be good.  I must be without flaw.  But must I?  It is exhausting.  I would rather taste Your goodness.  I would rather rest in Your fullness. 

Deliver me oh God.  I need Your peace. I want to rest no matter what is swirling around me.  I want to hear Your voice Lord; the voice that says, “you are enough and you are human and that is good.”