Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Air Guitars and McDreamy

I am  sitting on the couch with my three older boys literally jumping around on it.  They are singing songs that they have written.  They think they are in a music video, air guitars, dance moves and all. 

I am missing my husband tonight.  He is away on a business trip, he goes away about once a month for a week or so.  Every time he goes away I become all sentimental and chick-flick-cheesy, missing him. I have known Matt since I was 13 years old.   I met him in my middle school sunday school class at church.  From the first time I met him he represented everything I needed, wanted, had to have.  He was warm, he was unbridled, he was ridiculously fun. 

He still is all these things.   He is also stubborn.  He gets tunnel vision.  He does not put his dirty clothes in the hamper.  And he sometimes forgets to feed the boys, which must relate to his tunnel vision.

I love Matt, all of him, even the parts that infuriate me.  Because he is my McDreamy.  Yes, I did just make a reference to Grey's Anatomy.  I know it's not a terribly intelligent reference, but appropriate none the less.  Matt just IS love to me.

So as I am getting ready to tuck the boys into bed, my mind is really hundreds of miles away.  I am anxiously awaiting Matt's call with a little Snow Patrol running through my head. I almost feel an air guitar coming on.  Cue the music.

If I lay here...
If I just lay here....
Would you lie with me
And just forget the world?


If I lay here...
If I just lay here....
Will you lie with me,
And just forget the world?
This song is for my husband, who is extraordinarily busy and who cares about so many people.

The boy only wanting to give mother something,
And all of her roses had bloomed.

Looking at him as he came rushing in,
knowing her roses were doomed.

All she could see were some thorns buried deep,
And tears that he cried as she tended his wounds.

And she knew it was love, it was what she could understand.
He was showing his love and that's how he hurt his hands.

I dont always get it right
I'd see it in a different kind of light

Pay my lip service
Keep it eloquent
Optimistic but
Never quite elegant
Still a weirdo
Still a weirdo, after all these years

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Roses in December

We celebrated two birthdays in our family this week.  My youngest, Toren, turned one.  And my oldest, Jaden, turned 10.  I feel like I am going to cry even as I write this.  How can I have a 10 year old?  He is closer to going to college, than he is to being born.  Wow.  If you don't believe time flies, try having a child.

We started the celebration with a Crazy Dinner.  I gave everything on the menu an odd name.  For example, spaghetti noodles were called "Silly String", alfredo sauce was "Butter Britches", lemonade was "Egypts Pride" (did you know it originated in Egypt?) and forks were "Little Presents".  All in all there were about 20 items and each person could only choose five.  Since you didn't know what you were ordering the plates were quite unique.  Only about 5 of the 13 of us got forks.  My sister in law got two salad dressings, marinara sauce, olives and a meatball.  Jaden got olives, alfredo sauce, lettuce, lemonade and a fork.  It was a lot of fun. And we did really get to eat after we ate our Crazy plates.

 Then we did birthday cakes!  Toren raised his hands in the air everytime he took a bite of cake, indicating it was time for the rest of us to cheer.  He also fingerpainted on his dad and brothers with the icing.  Jaden helped me make an NFL cake that the rest of us ate.  He got all his candles out in one blow.  


I am glad my children are not cognizant of how quickly the years pass.  They are just busy having fun, busy being a kid. This week Toren is busy walking.  Owen is busy playing Wii, and watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse, and riding his bike with training wheels. Cael is busy working in the yard so he can earn money for a sheriff set he found at the store.  And Jaden is busy playing legos and looking at his football cards, anxiously awaiting next school year when he will get a locker.

Me, I am busy trying to enjoy it all.  I heard a quote once that I fell in love with.   It says, "God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."  Thank you Lord for all my roses.